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House Of Chimera Research: SubQuery

Diederick Jacobs

Posted on: 5/27/2024,

2 minutes read

Introducing Our Latest Research: Decentralizing RPC Services - Challenges, Risks, and Solutions

Understanding the Critical Role of Decentralized RPC Services in Web3

In the evolving landscape of Web3, decentralization is not just a buzzword but a transformative principle that seeks to reshape how we interact digitally. At the core of this transformation are Remote Procedure Call (RPC) services, which act as a bridge between users and blockchain networks. Our latest research paper, "Decentralizing RPC Services - Challenges, Risks, and Solutions," delves deep into the intricacies of these services, highlighting their critical role and the challenges they face.

The Vision vs. Reality of Decentralization

Web3 promises a decentralized digital world where power is distributed among users rather than centralized authorities. However, achieving this vision is fraught with challenges. While decentralized applications (dApps) leverage blockchain networks to provide permissionless and censorship-resistant interactions, they often depend on third-party RPC services. This dependence introduces a layer of centralization, creating potential single points of failure and vulnerabilities.

The Importance of RPC Services

RPC services are essential for the seamless operation of dApps. They enable functions such as sending transaction requests and retrieving blockchain data without requiring each dApp to run its own blockchain nodes. Given the technical limitations of running blockchain nodes on browsers or mobile devices, RPC services ensure smooth communication and user experience.

Centralization Risks and the Role of SubQuery

Despite their importance, most RPC services are relatively centralized, which poses significant risks. Our research explores these risks, including security vulnerabilities and the potential for service disruptions. We also highlight real-world instances, such as the DDoS attack on Manta Network's RPC nodes, that demonstrate the impact of these risks.

SubQuery emerges as a decentralized alternative, aiming to mitigate these risks by decentralizing the underlying infrastructure. By acting as middleware, SubQuery facilitates easier interactions between blockchain databases and dApps, indexing data into a structured format that developers can easily query.

Competitive Landscape and Market Opportunities

Our paper also evaluates the competitive dynamics of the RPC industry. Centralized providers currently dominate, leveraging lock-in strategies that create closed ecosystems. However, decentralized solutions like SubQuery offer promising alternatives by enhancing security, scalability, and user control. We discuss the potential market opportunities for decentralized RPC services in various sectors, including finance, healthcare, and supply chain management.

Overcoming Challenges for True Decentralization

Achieving true decentralization requires overcoming significant technical and infrastructural hurdles. Our research identifies the complexities of developing sustainable economic models, ensuring consistent quality of service, and maintaining low latency in decentralized networks. It also underscores the importance of community governance in addressing centralization within decentralized systems.


Our research paper provides a comprehensive understanding of the future of decentralized RPC services. By exploring the challenges, risks, and solutions, it aims to shed light on the path towards a more decentralized Web3 ecosystem.

We invite you to dive into the full paper to gain deeper insights and explore the innovative approaches being developed to overcome these challenges.

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